The last few months have been still, a quiet nothing. And I have realized the season that I was told was coming is actually happening. Two months ago I longed for a quiet night. Now I get tempted to invite random strangers into my home to simply just make noise. It’s funny the things you will do when you are bored. I have found myself organizing my sock drawer, taking daily naps, cleaning clean dishes. I feel like a bear in hibernation. I have time to do absolutely anything. The make your own maple almond butter kind of time. The lay on the beach (though I'm not complaining about that) type of time. I have caught myself continually reverting to my fixing mode to find busyness. I want to fill the space and be less without my thoughts. I don't even actually have my degree certificate, yet and I am angry that I don’t have a career. I see those around me have new job opportunities, goals, and I am here with empty thoughts. A few weeks ago I sat hopelessly on the Internet for jobs that are within my degree. It was so pathetic that I actually typed in, Jobs for English majors in Orange County. At one point I even considered the link that said, "Teach at Mandarin Speaking School." And then I laughed at myself. I love when desperation turns into dramatic nonsense. It has been only a few months since school has ended, and yet I expect something to happen now. It’s quite scary how dependent our generation has become on immediacy. I have cheese older than that and here I sit complaining.
My Google search was followed by reading Matthew 6:25. You know the part that says, “do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on.” The part that is actually titled “Do Not Worry.” The one that talks about even the birds being taken care of (Matthew 6:25-27). Ha, I always get a kick out of God’s timing. Sometimes I wonder how He doesn't just scream at us. I want to imagine those fiery eyes turning into a bonfire as his wool-like locks sway violently back and forth. But he doesn’t. That never happens when we are lost and searching. His ways are gentle and kind and while He very much calls us out on our stupidity, he never leaves or turns away. He stands, arms opened wide, yearning for our gaze. Nothing in this world chases after us like that—so unconditionally, so consistently—and yet we choose to still wave our arms and scream into a big microphone in hopes that someone in the world will notice and say we are something. He's there and we still like to choose another love.
I kept reading through Matthew 7 and got to the part where it says not everyone will make it into Heaven. See this is where most stop reading. They read, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven'" (Matthew 7:21-22). And then they stop. They justify their acceptance and belief solely by attending church on Sunday’s and then move on. But what about the next part that says, “On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness'" (Matthew 7:23). Now that's terrifying. Does that actually say God will still throw us out even if we went to church and prayed for people? Yes. Totally. These parts of the bible are the very swords that fight against the "water-downed-love-everyone-generation" we are living in. It’s not all about what we do. It’s not about success. He wants relationship. For us to sit in the quiet and listen. For us to be still and attentive to His heart.
How often this idea gets skewed for me. I am a workaholic. I love working. Work was in the Garden, it is biblical. But I find myself at times attempting to mold it with the idea of my worth. Where is the stage, the good job, the hefty paycheck, or the creative career tasks? Where’s that non-profit organization or the perfect church to be built up in? These ideas are all good, but rooted in a heart of wanting to be something. This is how the new aged Google gods begin to replace the true God. This is how the Devil breaks in and makes his move. It really is smart of him isn’t it? That may be a scary thing to say, but it's so true. The devil’s goal is to turn our gaze away from the Lord. So he brings money, and success and shiny objects to convince us that those are the important parts of life. The devil swoons us, invites us onto an eighty year honeymoon. He keeps us long enough to where it’s too late, to where we forget why we are here living. We stop searching for God's ways. It’s such a simple message and yet, we constantly try to direct the hand of God, not trusting that He will provide and will take us to the far places of His heart.
I find it interesting within this part of Matthew that it continuously says the Lord will reward us in the secret place. The verses before even talk about not showing the face of one that is fasting and not flaunting the deeds we do for others, but giving it to God in the secret place. The Lord is focused on our hearts singing for an audience of One. When we find this secret place, we find our original Maker. When we quiet down our souls, we hear the burdens of his heart. When we stay still, we find truth that our lives are fully in the hands of the Lord. This stirs me to know more. To remember that He is everything and we are nothing.
So screw what man says of worth. Screw the stereotypes of post graduation blues. Screw straying from the truth that we were created to gaze upon Him. We are a generation that wants to be known and noticed and the entire time He is screaming for us to know Him. For all things will fade away any ways, but how foolish we would be to have our spirit fade too. Let those lamps burn with the oil of compassion and sacrifice and let us find our plan, our purpose in the shadow of His secret place. He loves when we are still and not busy. He loves when we have lay on the beach type of time, because in the silence we can hear His voice again.
God, take me away again to that place where I know you. Pull, rip, steal me away from the world and show me. Because I have a wretched view of worth and Yours is the only way to eternity.
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