Friday, August 24, 2012

De-friending the World

          I don't want a fix. I want a full obsession. I don't want a two hour church session I want an everyday lifestyle. I want the Sunday mornings to be silent compared to the rest of the week. I don't want to be looked as radical, but want the all-day prayer sessions, hands raised and screaming "Jesus" moments to become a normality. I desire to dwell in a place where God will be in everything and the whole world rejoices. But the world is so opposite from everything that matters. From everything that will withstand from that splitting of the sky, from that moment when the alarm will sound and each soul will bow down and see what the elders saw when they all fell down. The Scripture says "God is a consuming fire, a jealous God" (Deut. 4:24), yet we turn our eyes to the things of one minute satisfactions, forgetting the one that added bones to our dust pile. His word says do not befriend the world for those that do our enemies of the Lord, yet popularity is at the focus of our life search. addicted to increasing the number ticker on our virtual friends on profile pages; as if the bigger the number the more powerful we are. There's even an unofficial score card; 500 friends: weak, try harder, 1000: average, but no uniqueness, 2000+ all the world should meet you-an idol. Yikes (red flashing light), what happened to running from idolatry? What happened to the land flowing with milk and honey? Where is the one crying in the wilderness eating all those locusts. This is a generation murdered by the deception of fame and fortune. 
           We are called for more than this. More than jobs with cool blue shirts and unending discounts or 6-figure salaries, more than a message notifying one more "friend" was added to that freakin list. We must turn our hearts back to the maker of everything. Let's be a people built upon the rock. A people that screams and walls fall down, a people that walk through the desert for 40 years moaning, but meeting God. I want to be the one screaming on the side of the curb about His return and the runner passing by joins in. The image of His second coming compels me to scream louder, maybe on different curbs.  The one the world denied, the one that was condemned for our sins, the one who died on a regular tree will split the sky and the world will never be the same. 
          Its a complicated thought to not befriend the world we currently live on, but I wish nothing more than to turn my heart towards His kingdom built by light dwelling in a city on a hill that cannot be hidden. Oh how God will never be hidden. I desire to de-friend this world and gaze upon the lover of my soul. It is the backwards, upside down reality that to lose is gain, to die is Life that I crave. The Man that gives sight to the blind is my beautiful obsession. Break the chains of our love to the world and bring us a wedding in the sky. The Spirit and the Bride say come. 

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