Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Collection of Cries

Your love is all that matters. It is all the matters. How can the nations forget, how can we turn our eye from the magnificent wonders of this man. The One who turned water to wine, food from nothing, the Son of the God who split the seas for the Israelites then closed them to annihilate the Egyptians. The One cast down to earth to capture the righteous, destroy the wicked and yet all we fear is bankruptcy and horror films produced by lost souls. 
Awake, awake o sleeper He is coming and then the world will fully feel His power. Where will we be when that man with fire in His eyes and hair as white as snow comes to destroy the deceiver and chaser of darkness. Scripture says beware for he "will come like a thief in the night" (1 Thessalonians 5:2 ). We know not the day or the hour so let us become a generation sober; awakened for when that moment comes where life as we know it ends. The reckoning is approaching and all people walking in light and darkness will be judged--no one can escape. Kingdom come and wipe away the tears of the faithful. Open the pits and the wicked will fall in. Fall with the false prophet, the Anti-Christ, the deceivingly-colorful dragon into the place with unquenchable thirst, the fire forever burning. 
Let us turn and run after Him. I will sing His song with His sweet voice as the melody. And when my lungs get tired and my faith weary I will remember He died hanging on a tree for me and the fuel will ignite me once more. 

I want to waste my life loving You, God. You whisper, "I am here" and my heart falls. You say follow me. I say "okay". You say '"Seek my face.' My heart says to you, 'Your face, LORD, do I seek'" (Psalm 27:8). I want to forget the things of the flesh, and meet the Onething that will turn meaningless lives into lampstands for the kingdom of Heaven. I long for a movement, a revival of the nations from darkness to light in search of the city in the sky who's maker and builder is God. 

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