Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Threads of truth sewn together...

            It's been a year and I am back in the serenity of this dwelling place. Same sound. Same smell. Same 2am vacuum cleaning. It's beautiful. My heart jumps as the Spirit enters and the familiar thoughts of never wanting to leave return. For the next three days I will soak in the holiness of God's truth; praying to understand more of His righteousness and commandments. Written a year ago in this exact spot. I began an experiment to let God wholly direct my prayer, my thoughts, my breath to create a work of His art. Individual words sewn together to create the fabric of His truth. This is what was built by the maker of everything...

Satan you are going to die, because Jesus is leading me home.  God is righteous. It's the pleasure in loving You. Oh your voice is sweet. Beautiful God. It's the desire to fully love You. Living Spirit. Cry out to Him day and night. Who is like You. I choose this life of faith. Your heart, your desire for the flawed. Die in flesh to live in Christ.  I will be satisfied with joy forevermore. You are my great reward. You're who I long for my beautiful inheritance Jesus. Holy. Open our eyes to Your power. Rain will fall on the righteous and the wicked. Strengthen Your bride. Let the nations fear You. Rise up in her spirit. You walk among the lamp stands. Let us know your abiding presence. Servant of all. Devastating beauty. Manifest Your power, release Your glory. God of the Exodus. Arise. Grant us boldness to speak Your word. There's no plan B. The only One. All flesh is grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of Our God with stand forever. We are grasshoppers. Nothing and emptiness without Him. Fill us. Revival. I will bless Your holy name for all my days. Let our worship be like fragrance. Healer. Let us soak in Your presence. I want to see You. We will bring Glory to Your name. Open my eyes to see Your glory. Hope lives. The humble is blessed. You look at the one who is humble and contrite in spirit and trembles at Your word. Make my heart boil. I want to boil over You. What God has joined together let no man separate. Rend the Heavens and come down. Take away everything that hinders. Let us receive the kingdom of God like a child. No one is good except God alone. Pour out Your Spirit. I'm alive in your hands. Eternal life. You are Lord of lords, King of kings. Reign forever. Wake up. People get ready Jesus is coming. You are the great I Am.

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